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4 Things Sellers Need to Know About Property Auctions in 2020
teaoctave96 am 20.09.2020 um 15:05 (UTC)
 The internet is home to millions of articles explaining 5 things to do or 10 things to do for buying property at auctions. In simple words, every article is talking about things to do for purchasing residence at house auctions . There is hardly any article talking about the things sellers should keep in mind during or before selling properties at auctions. This limited approach of agents is making auction events like a one-way road.

Everything for Sellers to Keep In Mind Prior to Selling Residences at Property Auctions:

This is what we are going to discuss in today's article. Every coin has a flip-side. Without a doubt, auctions are definitely a platform for investors to buy residential properties. But if you look at the other side of house auctions, sellers, or estate agents get a chance to sell properties for making money. But there are certain things they have to learn about. Let's talk about them below:

Auctions Help Sellers to Sell Properties at Actual Market Price:

Given below are the three big reasons of it:

� All buyers get an equal opportunity to buy residential investment properties for sale.

� Every buyer is given an equal treatment.

� Buyers place their bids in fiercely competitive environment.

What makes auction houses more profitable for sellers is the fact that if buyers keep chipping with their bids, auction continues indefinitely. The winning bid reflecting the highest price is shown only when everyone stops bidding and the clock expires.

The price of the winning bid is what the market will bear and the maximum amount of money that a buyer can pay. Most importantly, property auctions allow sellers to set the reserve price. This is why sellers don't have to be content with the price they do not want to sell their properties at.

Only Eligible Bidders Bid on Auction Day:

Many auction platforms ask bidders to show proof of funds and fulfill rest of the eligibility criteria to be eligible for bidding at the auctions.

Financial Institutions or Lender Finance Investments:
Even financial institutes and lenders prefer financing investment properties for sale at auctions. As for reason, they have all your income proof, proof of funds, and other important documents already in their hands to secure the money they are lending you to finance your investment.

Transparency and Level Playing Field:

This is another thing sellers should know about prior to visiting auction rooms for selling their investment properties for sale. Meaning, no-secret handshakes and no backdoor deals etc. Auction houses disclose every single Term & Condition upfront to all buyers and sellers. This helps both buyers and sellers feel that they are on the same page and they are not overpaying for anything. Nothing is being hidden from them.

Final Words:
Hopefully, this article helped a seller like you to learn something useful prior to visiting the auction room for selling their properties.

The Message of Aquarius - A Gnostic Book About the Book of Revelation
teaoctave96 am 20.09.2020 um 15:00 (UTC)
 Are we in the end times? Will humanity end in an apocalyptic catastrophe? Will this humanity survive? Or will another humanity appear? Is there any connection between the end times and the different cosmic cycles or ages (Age of Aquarius, Age of Pisces, etc).

These questions and many more are dealt with in The Message of Aquarius, a book written by Samael Aun Weor.

In it, the author makes a thorough analysis of the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible.

Unlike many modern books on Revelation, The Message of Aquarius is not based on intellectual speculations or on theological traditions of any kind, which unfortunately limit its scope, as they tend to interpret Revelation from one angle, instead of taking its many angles into account.

Far from it, The Message of Aquarius is a completely original work, based on the author's personal investigation of many years.

In line with the universal approach of Gnosis (knowledge), the author does not limit himself to traditional Christian contents, but he draws on Hindu, Buddhist, Kabbalistic, Sufi, etc. contents to illustrate and throw further light on the prophetic statements of Revelation.

Unlike many modern books on the subject that simply fail to deal with many symbols and allegories appearing in the Book of Revelation, Samael Aun Weor explains them all at length and in all detail, chapter after chapter and verse after verse - not a single element of the Book is left out.

Allegories such as:

* The Four Horsemen of Revelation

* The Seven Seals

* The Seven Trumpets

* The 144,000 Sealed Ones

* The Two Witnesses

* The Mark on The Forehead

* The Mark of The Beast

* The Antichrist (666)

* Babylon the Great

* The New Jerusalem, and many others

All are clearly explained in the context of a final cycle of time and the beginning of a new period of human manifestation.

In his book, the author informs us about:

* The meaning and repercussions of the conquest of the Moon and space travelling in general

* The expansion of China, about the U.S.A. and other powers in relation to World War Three (atomic war)

* The deterioration of the planet and of the moral principles of the majority of humanity, giving rise to much disharmony and unhappiness

* The appearance of new estrange diseases, most of them incurable

* the periodical approaching of a big planet belonging to a neighbouring solar system, ten times bigger than Jupiter, which in the past brought ancient continents, such as Lemuria, Atlantis, etc. to an end

* The arrival of beings coming from other planets, their mission and meaning in relation to the selection of humanity.

And gnosis o que é which are dealt with in the more than two hundred pages of the book.

Nevertheless, and despite what it may seem at first glance, The Message of Aquarius is not laying stress on gloomy apocalyptic scenarios kept for us in store for the end times. Quite the opposite, after explaining at length the deep transformations which the planet earth will undergo, culminating in the descent of the symbolic New Jerusalem, which will mark a new beginning, a new planetary cycle, the author stresses the urgent need for us to keep up with this planetary transformation; in particular about the need for a psychological inner transformation on our part.

What this transformation implies and its methods are clearly explained throughout the book. Methods which over the centuries have remained veiled in the form of universal allegories, such as the Plant of Immortality, Noah's Ark, the Tree of Life, David slaying Goliath, Horus slaying Seth, the catching of the Salmon of Knowledge, and many others.

Many readers find this aspect particularly revealing, as it represents a real survival guide which will undoubtedly help us to come out with flying colours from one of the most critical times that humanity has to face. This is just one of the many benefits of the book.

Using Soccer Betting Predictions to Your Advantage!
teaoctave96 am 20.09.2020 um 14:57 (UTC)
 It is impossible to accurately predict soccer results, but you surely can improve your chances of success. Soccer betting predictions are all over the place and you can make use of these predictions to place your bets.

You should however first understand the different types of soccer betting predictions and their underlying principle. The first one is through a rigorous analysis of the team composition, the key players who are playing, previous history between the sides, regard to rivalry, concern for injuries, etc. betslip presents a logical argument as to why the prediction was made in the first place. If the argument convinces you, then you are more likely to believe in the soccer better predictions.

The second major method of soccer betting predictions that will help you predict soccer results is using advanced statistical methods. These methods take into consideration all the statistics related to the teams and the players. They involve numbers and statistics to find out the odds that a particular team is going to win a match.

These are tedious jobs because you need to find out the past years trends, individual players scoring ability, forms and conditions and also the opponents records. Besides, you need to understand some statistical and mathematical models for data and this is not something everyone can do. However, you can always try out these methods even without understanding the underlying principles. Also, there are softwares available today that can do this job effectively.

To predict soccer results isn't an easy task. If you want to significantly improve your chances of success, why don't you follow the professional bettors' predictions? The process of soccer betting predictions isn't simple and straightforward and cannot be mastered overnight. If it could be, then everyone would be making money off soccer betting, but they don't.

Why Virtual Coaching Is So Popular
teaoctave96 am 20.09.2020 um 14:54 (UTC)
 Do me a favor and Google search the terms and phrases related to online coaching programs (example: virtual life coaching). Then, tell me just how many relevant websites and blogs you got on the search page results. Amazing, huh? This will surely give you an idea as to how popular virtual coaching has become over the years. More and more people are now hiring coaches through the internet to solve their pressing issues, to help them improve their self-confidence, to help them save their marriage, or to learn certain skill.

Virtual coaching is undoubtedly one of the hottest things in the online arena today. But do you ever wonder why? Well, this is because it's very convenient for both the coach and the client. Instead of meeting in a particular place, which can be a huge hassle if they are coming from different locations, they can just pick up the phone or open Skype and viola! The coaching and learning begin! This means saving not just time but also money and energy. free coach and the coach can save money from gas and travel time.

Another reason of its popularity is the tag price. Virtual coaching programs are relatively cheaper compare to those that are conducted face-to-face. Traditional life coaches for example are normally renting office space. They pay for employees' salary and utility bills. And they don't have option but to pass on those bills to their clients. By eliminating all these fees, the coach can easily lower down the tag prices of the coaching programs and that is always a good news for paying customers.

Third reason is because online coaching programs are just as effective as traditional coaching programs that are offered outside the internet. People who are offering these programs particularly those who are already considered industry leaders have the needed in-depth knowledge, first-hand experience, skills, and even the required personal traits. Most of them are also fully committed in helping their clients because these people know that it's the only way that they can succeed in continuously attracting more clients to their doorsteps.

Another good reason is online coaching programs are easier to find. Potential clients who have access to the internet can do their research and find the best coach for them with just few clicks on their mouse. These people can just visit the website and if they're impressed, they can research the reputation of a particular online coach. They can visit forums and blogs where they'll usually find comments and feedbacks from those people who have signed up with the same coach before. Potential clients can then just email the coach, ask about the programs, and they can talk about the details through phone or through VoIP. They can even ask for free sample sessions to see if the coach can really address their specific needs and demands. That means, nobody needs to leave their house or office to get things done. Considering how everybody gets busy these days, this is definitely a huge thing.

What is an N95 Respirator Mask?
teaoctave96 am 20.09.2020 um 14:49 (UTC)
 Disposable respirator masks have received increased attention as of late with the spread of the H1N1 flu virus, though they have long been used for other purposes including occupational safety. filtered face masks refers to a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) rating that is assigned to masks that meet a specified minimum standard for particle transmission. The N95 respirator mask is designed to filter up to 95f airborne particles 0.3 microns or larger that may otherwise directly enter the nose and mouth of the wearer. These masks may also be worn by people who have a contagious illness to prevent particles from leaving the nose and mouth of the wearer and putting others at risk. While such masks do not protect against particle transmission with 100
ccuracy, they can be effective in preventing the spread of infection.

N95 masks can be purchased with our without a valve to facilitate easier breathing. Optimal protection is achieved when the respirator mask fits snugly to the face, covering the nose and mouth without leaving open spaces along the edge. Respirator masks should be fitted correctly to the wearer and not be obstructed by facial hair or jewelry. A poorly fitted respirator mask has greater potential to allow air particles to enter through gaps along the edges of the mask, providing lower levels of protection against the inhalation or spread of particles than a well fitted one.

Respirator masks are widely used for occupational safety, and are particularly common in industrial and health care facilities. Masks used in the workplace must be NIOSH-approved, meaning they meet minimum standards put forth by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

SQL Server 2019 Is Here: A Roundup of Its Best Features
teaoctave96 am 20.09.2020 um 14:46 (UTC)
 Microsoft announced the general availability of SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server Big Data Clusters at its Ignite conference on Monday. SQL Server 2019 builds on intelligent query processing features that were implemented in SQL Server 2017, and expands them to new areas of the database engine.

Let's take a deeper dive into some of some of the key new features.

Big Data Clusters and PolyBase
I've written a lot about Big Data Clusters and I think there's a lot of very interesting technology in the platform. The platform runs SQL Server on Kubernetes and directly connects SQL Server to Apache Spark for in-memory machine learning and advanced analytical functions. While this is a huge development, it is going to be a very big paradigm shift for many organizations to adopt, so I feel like the uptake will be slower.

The more interesting component of this feature set is a major enhancement to PolyBase that allows you to connect SQL Server to Oracle, MongoDB and Teradata natively, and offers ODBC connectivity to other data sources (for example, SharePoint lists). What this means is that you can write T-SQL queries to return data from tables within Oracle and have an optimized query. Microsoft calls this "data virtualization." One of the ways it can help you is by reducing the effort around your extract, transform and load (ETL) processes.

Smarter Monitoring
The Query Store feature was a major benefit, but on some systems, it caused some resource contention issues. This was particularly impactful for customers who ran exclusively dynamic SQL (where each query issued against the database is a unique hash value). SQL Server 2019 introduces a custom capture option that enables you to fine-tune data collection to avoid this issue.

Additionally, there are a number of enhancements around execution plan collection. These allow you to capture actual execution plans, which lets you examine the row counts used by a query and compare them to estimates that the query optimizer used. In turn, this can help you quickly isolate a performance problem. You could always do this before using profiler or extended events functionality, but the overhead of performing these captures were extremely high.

Optimized Insert Performance
SQL Server has long suffered from a bottleneck when trying to insert sequential records into a table at very high volume. This is because of contention in memory, as only one worker thread can access a data page at a given moment. The in-memory OLTP feature was designed to remediate this issue, but it is not 100 percent compatible with all data types so it cannot be used everywhere.

SQL Server 2019 introduces an optional feature called "optimize_for_sequential_key" that reduces the effect of these bottlenecks. Microsoft quotes up to 40 percent performance gains with this feature, and I can add that I have personally seen these gains with a customer as the feature was being developed. cheap software keys can be added at the table level and should only be used for workloads that will benefit from it.

Another performance improvement comes in SQL Server's temporary workspace, TempDB. Taking advantage of the in-memory OLTP feature, which eliminates a bottleneck at the data latching layer, memory optimized TempDB metadata allows for more overall throughput to the busy TempDB.

Faster Database Recovery
Anyone who's ever been a database administrator has felt the pain of restore getting to 100 percent and then sitting there for a long time afterward, just waiting and waiting for the process to actually complete. This is because of a process called crash recovery, in which transactions that were in the database transaction log but not in the database backup have to be played back to the database.

Accelerated database recovery changes this process by implementing a version store to allow transactions to be played back much faster after a restore or server restart. There is a minor performance overhead to this (1 to 2 percent in customer testing), but the effects can be dramatic. One sample rollback that took 90 seconds went down to 1 second.

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